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What you get when you become a Nutrisense member:

Nutritionist for

A chat guidance between Nutrisense dietitian with our customer displayed on top of a plate full of salad

CGM Device for Insights

products available in

Mobile App for accountability

Nutrisense mobile app showing tracking activity
products available in

Use a Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) for

  • Checkmark icon on list items

    Real-time glucose

  • Checkmark icon on list items

    Glucose response to meals

  • Checkmark icon on list items

    Fasting and meal timing

  • Checkmark icon on list items

    Physical activity and exercise routines

  • Checkmark icon on list items

    Stress and sleep

  • Checkmark icon on list items

    Habits and routines

A CGM is a small device that stays on the back of your arm and monitors your glucose values 24/7. Use a CGM to track:

What our
members have to say


Sara Duffy

“In the past five years, I had, in fact, gained 30, 35, maybe close to 40 pounds. Within the first month of using the CGM, I lost maybe five pounds. And I hadn’t been able to do that before. From February to June, I lost over 15 pounds!”


Leigh Reckner

"I think the Nutrisense CGM program is a great value for what you're getting. Especially since you can also talk to a nutritionist while using the service."


Linda Salant

“The biggest lesson I’ve learned is that what works for one person may not work for the next . . . We should always be evaluating and ready for change if what we’re consistently doing is not serving us.”


Abbie Honaker

“I entered the program feeling pretty good about what I knew about glucose levels, and yet I was surprised by what I learned about my personal body and my reaction to certain foods and activities.”